Friday, October 17, 2008

Getting Out of Your Niche to Get Into Your Niche?

I was reading this post on creativity and imagination by a guy I follow on twitter, he recommended I go see an expansion of that idea by this other guy, Jim Canterucci. Jim's blog talks about suscribing to 10 random magazines. Here is what he said, "On a panel of Organizational Development professionals recently, Steve Bond of Nationwide Insurance related a tip from one of his old bosses.

Each year the executive randomly subscribed to ten magazines. He read these magazines for a year, bringing the perspectives from the eclectic compilation of publications to his life and work.

The executive reading Teen Vogue, the social worker reading Guns & Ammo seems strange but provides an insight into the bigger world we live in. You don't have to agree with all positions, just be able to relate to them.

A cheaper alternative - hang out at the book store magazine rack or the library for a couple hours each month.

Don't forget what you read online. Subscribe to some things that may be opposite of your traditional/stereotypical views. For example, tech geeks reading about medical breakthroughs may inspire the next Google. Or, a librarian reading about retail merchandising may come up with a great idea for displaying books.

Diversity of thought allows the brilliance to rise to the surface." End post

By the way that blog of his has tons of great stuff on it I recommend you go there and gleen all you can.

Interesting post, it expands on something Robin Elliot, the Joint Venture broker trainer speaks of when he was talking about reading biographies of famous people like Winston Churchill. Robin said, "When I read what Winston wrote, I am reading what Winston was thinking when he wrote it so I am sort of thinking like Winston was thinking."

Also Dan S. Kennedy mentions that Earl Nightingale said, "Studying on any subject for an hour per day for a year will make you an expert on any subject within one year." Dan also says "If you follow the Paretto Principle 80/20 or 95/5 there isn't much competition doing what they need to be doing to stay on top in their field."
I don't know what current figures for Amazon are but several years ago they mentioned that 85 percent of their sales were purchased by people intending them as a gift so of the 15 percent that are actually buying for themselves few are your competitors.

You know I would think if the above is true on magazines and books, then it also has to be true of blogs by various professions and interests. Definitely cool.

So how does all this help you?

1. By reading magazines, books or blogs that aren't in your field of expertise you are allowing your mind to learn how those people may think and talk. By learning that language you may be able to direct your marketing messages for alternative markets. I read that of two income families, the lady of the house spends 80 percent of the combined total income. Maybe you could use a little help relating to women. Another person I follow on twitter is Lorrie Morgan-Ferrero, her website helps people, men and women, learn how to market to women. She is holding a workshop on this in November, 2008 and for those of you that can't make it she has books and CD's on creating copy for women.

2. By stretching your mind with various other perspectives and philosophies you learn how to think differently.


1 comment:

Dallas Designing-Diva said...

What an easy thing to implement to widen your horizons. I read a variety of online blogs from geek tech to merchandising to all helps what I do and I've learned so much that I can use in my business.